Life is so delicately fragile and can just be snatched away instantly, no warning, just comes and hits you, like a slap in the face. Loss is the one of the biggest difficulties of life yet, something we can’t help but · + Words Essay on Life. First of all, Life refers to an aspect of existence. This aspect processes acts, evaluates, and evolves through growth. Life is what distinguishes humans from inorganic matter. Some individuals certainly enjoy free will in Life. Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Descriptive Essay: "My Life" - Sample Essay with Key Points to Include. Samples One of the most popular essay topics among students is “My Life” where every student tries to describe his/her life in details – which problems exist, what priorities, and outlooks he/she has, etc. It can also be called an autobiographical essay but no in the pure form where you provide the reader with autobiographical
Descriptive Essay Sample About My Life: 5 Key Points to Include | blogger.com
Life is essential for a flourishing ecosystem. Wherever there is life, there has to be a healthy ecosystem, conducive of growth. In the essays below we will go through different aspects of life, looking at it from different perspectives. Something that could grow and can multiply is considered to be living. We are surrounded by varieties of lives, but the human life is the most prominent and the most virtuous of them all.
Humans have the power to impact other lives on the planet. The true beauty of life lies in how much value does it holds for the others. A life spent in helping others has more value than a life spent solitarily. True beauty of life lies in how it is spent in helping and caring for others. The more love a life transcends, the more beautiful it becomes. The life of a tree that stands erect, facing the elements of nature and shelter birds and passersby, short essay about life, is more beautiful than a man who is living alone turning a blind eye to the sufferings of others around him.
Each and every life is important and interlinked with each other, short essay about life. Every species, be it humans, animals, or birds, serve their purpose in this world and impact each other, either directly or indirectly. Even if one tiny species is extinguished from this planet, it affects others as well.
If deer is gone so would the tiger, initiating a chain process that would make the planet lifeless one day. It is therefore in the best interest of all of us to value all life forms and consider each one an important asset of the planet and long to protect it.
The philosophical definition of life differs widely from its biological definition. Biology considers short essay about life physical aspects of life while philosophy considers the virtues that make the life more worthy for others.
In this essay we will try to understand life, both from the biological and philosophical points of view. The majority of us would agree on life being a beautiful gift.
The reason why life is considered a beautiful gift is because of its value for others. Every life form on the planet has a specific purpose. The trees, short essay about life, the animals, birds, humans, insects, all contribute to the growth of the planet and other lives, in their own way. Moreover, human life is a greater gift as it is the most powerful of the existing life forms.
Humans have exceptional ability to dream, work and achieve, like no other species on the planet. Besides, humans can impact each and every life on the planet for either good or bad reasons. Human life is a gift because it could save and protect short essay about life vulnerable and weaker lives. That was the philosophical beauty of life. Humans are gifted with exceptionally dexterous limbs and an efficient brain, giving them superiority over others.
The real beauty of these powers however lies in how many lives they impact for all the good reasons. One of the prerequisite of life is growth. Wherever there is life, there is growth. Growth has stages, similarly as a journey has. Let us consider the example of human life. The same is also relatable to other species as well. With time, the life grows and becomes more prominent, short essay about life. Babies short essay about life wiser and bigger with each passing year, growing up quickly in smart adults.
This is the same with other life forms as well, short essay about life. It must be kept in mind that each life is a valuable gift, but not only human life. Even the life of the weakest of species is valuable as is short essay about life life of a wisest of sages. Anything that grows and has a metabolism of its own is short essay about life to be living.
Humans, short essay about life, insects, microbes, plants, all are living. There is life in abundance on the planet, but what matters is the quality of it. The quality of life is characteristically identified by various senses as we will know in this essay.
We are surrounded by various kinds of lives around us. There are billions of other species including plants, animals, insects, birds, amphibians, etc. Each and every life, no matter how minuscule it is, is important, having its own value and contributes to the ecosystem in its own way. But, human life is considered more valuable than others, because of some distinct qualities that add value to existence. To understand the true worth of human existence we should look at life from a different perspective, other than just eating, short essay about life, working, and living.
The true value of life lies in protecting others and helping them. Fortunately, humans are gifted with exceptional intellect and brain along with dexterity, like no other creature on the planet. Only humans have the ability to help each other as well as other living creatures, in times of need. This is the greatest value that human life holds. In other words, the true value of life lies in how much value does it holds for others. Consider the example of a tree that has been sheltering way farers from sun and rain for decades.
The life of that tree is certainly valuable. Similarly, our life also gains more value if it is spent like the tree, in the service of others and spreading love and care. Now that we know what the true worth of life is, we will now discuss the changes that we could adopt to make our lives more valuable.
Adding value to life is nothing but a change of attitude — you just have to change the way you look at others and perceive things. Below are some changes that you can adopt to add value to your life. Connect with them and know their problems, aspirations, etc. Talk to your neighbors and socialize. The more you socialize the more value will be added to your existence.
Another way to make your life more valuable is to give respect to everyone - young or old, rich or poor, strong or weak. When you treat everyone with respect, you will not only make your life worth for them but also earn respect from others. You should always be considerate towards the suffering and needs of others; not only humans but animals as well.
Help them, support them, and be compassionate towards their problems. The more you value other lives, short essay about life, the more value will be added to your own. It is a give and take relationship. From other lives I mean, all other life forms including humans, short essay about life, plants, birds, etc.
On the contrary, lack of courage means a life spend in despair and fear. Such a life will have no value for itself or for others. I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace. I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters. I write to satisfy the writer in me and also to keep you updated on several topics. Top Menu Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us.
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Essay on Life Essay. by Abhishek Singh. Short and Long Essays on Life Essay 1 Words - Beauty of Life and its Importance Introduction Something that could grow and can multiply is considered to be living. What is the Beauty of Life? Why is Life Important? Conclusion It is therefore in the best interest of all of us to value all life forms and consider each one an important asset of the planet and long to protect it.
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· 10 Lines on Life Essay in English Life is like a river that goes on flowing. Life includes existence. Life includes hope and survival. Hope is necessary for survival. Life is also about happiness and sorrows. Experiences often shape a person’s life. The meaning and purpose of someone’s life is Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Essay on The Meaning of Life Meaning And Meaning In Life. Life has no meaning if you don't have the urge to wake up the next morning to see the next The Meaning Of Life. In fact, it’s important for people to understand the true meaning of the purpose they have in life The Meaning Of Life. The · A short essay on the good life. Kollin Kennedy. We may never know what makes a good life % but we should always be on the adventure of looking for the truth. Thanks for reading:)Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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