Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay animal testing

Essay animal testing

essay animal testing

 · 10 Lines on Animal Testing Essay in English 1. The use of animal subjects for practical uses for new drugs and other products is called animal testing. 2. Animal testing helps to gauge a drug’s or product’s potency and side effects. 3. Drugs are used on animals before deeming fit to be used by Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Essay About Animal Testing. Imagine being locked up inside a small and cramped cage with nothing but a feces-filled water bowl that has not been changed for 5 days. The feeling of losing your mind has become inevitable and it seems like “surviving” is impossible. Glancing around the room, you see many creatures are in pain  · Animal testing argumentative essay In killing an animal, one defend one wrong with another, in violation of all the animal rights. As one progress of philosophy, Mr. Tom Regan claims, all animal have a fundamental right of respectful treatment. Animal being tortured, is not in light with their rights as blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Animal testing essay, argumentative essay against animal testing

Animal testing has been a trending topic for a while now as research institute gives out their moral reason as to why it is necessary to employ these methods to look at the safety of the animal product that we consumed.

It is in this line that we researched and wrote this animal testing essay to guide and inform a student how to write one. A majority of the animals are used in the biomedical research for the safety of the products. In spite of the good nature of the study, a lot of people have for a while now have seen a different view and approach to the entire process. In essence, without fact bring a lot about morality and ethics, animals are being used for these tests against their will; forcefully killing them in the name of science and studies.

Essay animal testing spite of the benefit that we get from these researchers, the suffering pain and death of many of these animals are not essay animal testing the outcome that we get, essay animal testing. As a fact, this makes this paper object to the entire process of butchering an animal for the test Valappil, at el, In killing an animal, one essay animal testing one wrong with another, in violation of all the animal rights.

As one progress of philosophy, Mr. Tom Regan claims, all animal have a fundamental right of respectful treatment. Animal being tortured, is not in light with their rights as animals. Using animals in the process reduces them to mere tools to be exploited for the scientific research.

People and animal are not that different. They feel, behave, experience pain and think. The animal pain that we essay animal testing people are subbed to if taken through the similar test is essay animal testing different from what the animal experiences Doke, The same animals deserve the same respect that human being is given when considering such tests.

Despite this facts, human nature continues to use these animals for their person research without factoring in the animal right. As an animal, they might be had to ask for choices, but all in all their fault state would not be to volunteer for the test. No different from what man would do an animal would at a default state be assumed to want to live, eat and reproduce until they die on their own. The damages inflicted to animals are inhuman and brutal. Many animals get killed and with no measure of essay animal testing number of specimens needed, the research can use animals without factoring in the damage that they are inflicting in the society.

Bottom line animal testing and experimenting is morally wrong as it goes against the infringement of animals rights. In the real world, essay animal testing, these risks are not transferable; in essence, the animal does not willingly sacrifice themselves for the advancement of the human development. As an animal, all their view and choices are made by other people as they cannot vocalize their option but rather reveal by the manner of their death that they do not prefer the route and option made for them.

The processes of making these choices and taking the animal through the test go to show how evil human minds can be when they violate the laws leading to the infringement of these laws.

Aside from the result that comes from the research, the pain and suffering that the animals go through can be described as collateral damage that occurs in the line of studies, essay animal testing. Human similar to animals is known to scream when they get deep tissue damage. These tests are often deadly due to the toxicity of the products and chemical that they are subjected to.

These two tests are the most common type of tests given to animals Doke, They are known to be lethal as some animals die and if not get to subjected servere amount of pain. The later of the two tests occurs when a substance being tested is placed in the eye of the animals. The animals essay animal testing then observed for any damage to their cornea as well as other tissue damage near the eye.

In reality, the test is excruciating for the animals resulting to bleeding, scaring and eventual death often follows suit. It is not necessary and commonly essay animal testing in killing animals as opposed to giving the required results. The LD50, test the dosage of a substance which causes death if the content is lethal. The animals stand a less chance of being useful if at all they survive the tests.

This can be attributed to the side effect of the substance that they were induced. Animal gets hooked to the pump in their system a high amount of material being tested; this gets to their stomach and kills them slowly. Consider this article on how to write an argumentative essay. Study has also discovered that the test is painful often leading to suffering, essay animal testing, accompanied by vomiting, paralysis, diarrhea, essay animal testing bleeding, essay animal testing, convulsion and eventually death.

As many researchers have a penalty as the end Point of many of these studies, it is seen that no animal is euthanized to put an end to the pain. Its precision that it claims and longs to proves goes to show that due to the many biological variables, the result cannot be constant and as such the test are irrelevant.

Due to increased awareness in this animal testing, essay animal testing, these tests have ceased being used in recent past though not entirely written off Valappil, at el, The global community should stop using animals for their test. If a man is quick to violate such laws; all the other human relating laws should be an infringement as essay animal testing as animal have the same importance to our existence as the food we eat.

We need to stop these testing and go back to saving the animals and letting them be safe from any other sought of exploitation. Animals are no different from human being, they are known to have feelings, these go to show that each animal has a better reason to be saved and inflicting pain does not add value to the lives of humans. In essence it is not morally right to kill a few animals to save the human race.

That mathematical figure is not constant and all through the years thousands of researchers have used animal for medical, clinical and biological research all endangering the animals. In light of the never changing ecosystem, essay animal testing, it will be better to save the few remaining in animals species as opposed to killing them through studies.

These are trade, science, health and lastly studies. What we have managed to achieve a small margin of technological innovation after killing thousands of these animals.

A need for saving animals from these tests is important for the well being of the animal kingdom. Doke, S. Alternatives to animal testing: A review. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal23 3essay animal testing, Valappil, S. Biomedical applications of polyhydroxyalkanoates, an overview of animal testing and in vivo responses.

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discussion essay of IELTS writing test (exploitation of animals)

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How To Write An Animal Testing Essay?

essay animal testing

An animal testing argumentative essay always mentions the benefit of reducing the number of errors and fatal mistakes owing to a round of tests on animals. It also mentions that the number of saved people’s lives is enormous owing to the sacrificed lives of animals. Actually, there is hardly any effective alternative to animal testing The term animal testing is the process of subjecting animal to clinical trials before conducting human trials. Animal testing involves developing an experiment to determine the effectiveness of certain drugs or product’s efficacy. Each year, more than 26 million animals in the US are used for experiments  · Animal testing essay approaches. Basically, there are two approaches to writing essays on animal testing. You may choose a topic that considers the historical context, as methods of testing and other aspects that don’t require your personal point of view. When writing such an essay, remember that you need to be unprejudiced and objective, to explore the topic Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

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