History of soccer essay. S original 13 rules as football as rugby and soccer history and its popular sport in history. We have lots of soccer facts: its popular sport s first organizations to the essay. Originally founded in public, soccer team sport played a brief history. History include the history and timeline of soccer balls, History of Soccer Soccer is one of the most popular sports around the globe in the world of sports. Also, known as football in the rest of the world, The fist apparitions of soccer dated back about years ago, in Ancient China during the Han Dynasty Research Paper: The History of Soccer The game of soccer has changed a lot since it started. The game soccer originated in England in , but some people believe it may have started before the 19th century, with the Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Chinese. In England, towns and villages would play against each other, half of the village on one side and the other half on the other side
History of Soccer Essay - Soccer Essay Example | WOW Essays
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: United StatesLawhistory of soccer essay, Footballhistory of soccer essay, AmericaAmerican Sportshistory of soccer essay, SoccerWorldSports. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is known as football in most part of the world except in North History of soccer essay. If the world can be unified into a single entity on the basis of a common ground of interest, then soccer has the potential to bring different nations together under the same platform.
The history of modern soccer dates back to only years. However, the evolution process for soccer to become what it is now started a long time back. It is not very easy to dig out the origin of soccer as this is not well-documented in history, history of soccer essay. However, it is believed that the first form of soccer like game was played in China almost years back.
The ball was made of leather with fur inside it. Like modern day football the rule history of soccer essay to only use your legs to hit the ball and use of hand was not permitted. The objective was to put the ball in a designated hole. This sport patronized by the king was a sport of honor. Even to this day the game is played in China but it does not share any similarity with modern soccer.
Kemari was played on a special field with four individual trees namely cherry, maple, pine and willow standing history of soccer essay at all corners. Rich people used to create their own fields by growing these trees. There were two teams competing against each other and the team size varied from two to twelve. Some historians believe that Chinese and Japanese are the first people to have played international sport events of kemari and Tsu Chu almost years back.
The inscriptions on the tomb of Baqut II in Egypt had depiction of some sort of game played with ball by women. Not much is known about the rules and regulations of that sport or how and when it was played. People in Greece played a sport called Harpaston considered by most the real origin of modern day soccer. There were different versions of this game some which were played using hand and some of which using legs. After the Romans conquered Greece, they adopted this game from the Greeks and renamed it Harpastum, history of soccer essay.
Thus the basic building blocks of soccer were founded and soon Harpastum earned popularity all over Europe with the expansion of Roman Empire, history of soccer essay. During the 6th and 7th century AD in Central America, people used to play a game similar to soccer.
They used a ball made of rubber and the shape of the field resembled an "I". There was a ring hanging in the middle of the field and the players had to pass the ball through that ring to earn scores. History of soccer essay the 7th century after Great Britain defeated the Danish force, the English soldiers beheaded the Danish king and kicked the severed head around to celebrate their victory.
Before long playing with the decapitated head of the vanquished became a custom in many parts of the Britain, history of soccer essay. Since it was too violent to be considered a sport, history of soccer essay, many kings passed laws banning the practice. The beheading of Danish king and playing with his head created a football culture among many of the British population. In King Edward III passed a law banning this killer game.
Scotland also soon followed suit and banned the game in Scotland in This law did not reduce the popularity of the game an iota in England and it carried on with similar vigor and zeal.
Queen Elizabeth I in enacted a law sentencing anyone playing football to imprisonment. In the law that made football illegal was removed and football again started to be played in England. At that time football could be played using both hands and legs and pushing and tackling were allowed. In Eton College history of soccer essay Britain issued a set of rules for football forbidding shin kicking, use of hand to pass the ball around and tripping.
This caused a divide in the football world. The players who played football using hands and tackling formed a separate sport called 'Rugby' while the version that we know as modern day football came to be known as 'soccer'. Many colleges soon started playing the game against each other following the new set of rules, history of soccer essay. The rules also changed with time. The first comprehensive rule famed as the Cambridge Rule was passed in Cambridge Rule dominated the soccer for a brief period until Ebenezer Cobb Morley, founder of Barnes Club, called the attention of all the schools and colleges that participated in soccer for deciding on a consolidated rule.
On 8th December first official rules for soccer came into practice and the first governing body of soccer called Football Association FA was created. Soon in the coming century this game would be the most played, watched and discussed about in the world. There were a number of rules which changed in the earlier days. Offside rule was there but it was different at that time than the current one.
Goal Kicks were introduced in and corner kicks in Inthe oldest football competition of the world 'FA Cup' started which is still played among many English football clubs. In a board called International Football Association Board was formed after a joint meeting of Scottish Football Association, Football association of Wales and the Irish Football Association.
This board still oversees the rules of the game. With the colonization of England soccer expanded to countries beyond England and soon become popular in majority of the world by the turn of the century, history of soccer essay.
Looking at the popularity of the sport a world governing body was formed in called FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Association. Some of the European nations were the first members of FIFA. Soccer was played in the Olympics for the first time in England and its colonies at first refused to join FIFA and this caused a problem for FIFA in the initial years. However, by countries from other continents like South Africa, Argentina, Canada and United States also joined FIFA.
After the WWI, FIFA organized the Olympics final match between Uruguay and Switzerland. It was a huge success. FIFA planned its first world cup history of soccer essay in but at the last moment many of the European nations pulled out because of deep economic crisis. World cup became a regular affair in every four years ever since. However, it was not held because of WWII in and From onwards the world cup took place every 4 years without fail.
History of soccer essay is the most successful nation winning 5 world cups and Spain is the current world champion. FIFA helped the game expand across the globe and currently nations are registered under FIFA umbrella as soccer playing nations. Pasuckuakohowog meaning playing with the foot was popular among American natives in the 17th century.
Generally it was played along the shoreline and the field was at times as big as one and half mile wide. The number of players playing the game often exceeded It was more of a violent war than sport. Often many players got injured during the game. Although there were many natives in different parts of America playing soccer in different forms much before the 19th history of soccer essay but modern day soccer stepped into the United States through Ellis Island during the s.
In American Football Association AFA which was a regional body around New Jersey and New York region was born. However, it quickly spread to other regions in the next decade. In AFA conducted the first soccer tournament called American Cup. Initial decades of American Cup were dominated by New Jersey and Massachusetts. In a competing body called American Amateur Football Association AAFA was created and quickly spread outside of the Northeast US. In both the organizations applied for FIFA membership and by the AAFA gained edge over AFA and United States Football Association USFA was born.
In USFA started the National Amateur Cup. During the early days a huge tension arose between American Soccer League and National Amateur Cup participants and governing bodies. It ended with the demise of ASL in During s and history of soccer essay because of WWII and great depression the popularity of sport overall reduced in US and especially soccer suffered.
The soccer popularity seemed to be on the rise. Quickly expansion caused the demise of NASL in In last 15 years soccer is again gaining some popularity among mass. html - "Origins, History of the Game". National Soccer Hall of Fame. Diplomatic Mission to Germany. State Department. Retrieved 10 June We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it.
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History of soccer essay. S original 13 rules as football as rugby and soccer history and its popular sport in history. We have lots of soccer facts: its popular sport s first organizations to the essay. Originally founded in public, soccer team sport played a brief history. History include the history and timeline of soccer balls, Research Paper: The History of Soccer The game of soccer has changed a lot since it started. The game soccer originated in England in , but some people believe it may have started before the 19th century, with the Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Chinese. In England, towns and villages would play against each other, half of the village on one side and the other half on the other side The game of soccer can be traced back to as far as the eleventh century. The sport started in England, but the actual inventor or specific time the sport was invented remains unknown. In the beginning, it was a sport that was played during religious ceremonies or large gatherings, but it is widely agreed upon that by it became a game that was played by
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