Thursday, May 20, 2021

Female foeticide essay

Female foeticide essay

female foeticide essay

Female Foeticide Essay in English | Words. Introduction. Female Foeticide is the termination of a female fetus from the womb of the mother through abortion, which is an illegal manner for some cultural reasons or misconceptions or myths in blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins 29/8/ · Words Essay on Female Foeticide. Female foeticide refers to a practice which removes the female fetus after 18 weeks of growth in the uterus. This practice happens due to the child’s sex being female. In other words, it is a very regressive and shameful practice which still takes place in many parts of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 16/10/ · Essay on Female Foeticide in english. A Curse on Our Society india is a land where people worship a myriad of female deities in quest of wealth, wisdom and power. In this country, it is a Common sight to see thousands of couples making arduous journeys every year to shrines of SAVE GIRL CHILD Goddesses in order to be blessed with a child. But Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

Female Foeticide Essay for Students in English

Women around the world have proved that they are equally strong and qualified for every task in the world. Today women are grabbing the opportunities to become successful but what about those innocent girls who could not even get the opportunity to live?

Yes, we are talking about female foeticide feticide and infanticide, female foeticide essay. And this essay on female foeticide will put more light on the issue.

Female Foeticide and infanticide is the stigma of society. And sadly this evil still exists over the centuries. Even after the massive advancement in science and technology our minds are still stuck in the medieval ages. But we need to take some actions to stop this social evil and give the right of living to all the girls.

This information will help to write a long as well as short essay on female foeticide, infanticide in India and to even for the speech on female foeticide in India. This information will also help you with paragraph writing too. It not only involves selective abortion but also involves the malpractice of patriarchy where the ONLY male child is kept alive at the cost of one or more female lives.

The concept of female foeticide is not new neither like the present day was it just an Asian practice. For several centuries, selective female harming was practised in every form. There were instances of female infanticide in the early days of Western civilization, female foeticide essay.

Before the advent of ultrasound, female babies were often killed by methods like poisoning, strangulation and other ways. However, post the Greco Roman advent of Christianity, it championed the status of women by opposing infanticide of every form.

The significance of having a better sex ratio was understood and the importance and role of the high female ratio in the future of evolution were well appreciated.

However, in societies which did very less and progressed the least in terms of gender awareness, female foeticide continued beyond the medieval era into the modern age. In India and China, female foeticide and infanticide continue their tentacled spread until the 21 st century, female foeticide essay.

Female foeticide consists of dual unethical practice. One, the practice of murdering a fetus and two, the selective practice of gender discrimination. The right of women for abortion is not equivalent to either of the phenomenon as in it the status of women is much higher on account of the fact that a woman then has the right to abort a child based on her own decision and not because the fetus is a female one. India and China both fare poorly when female foeticide essay comes down to female foeticide which further deteriorates the historically low status of women in these two countries.

There are several causes behind the abusive practice of female foeticide, female foeticide essay. Some of them are the following:. Female foeticide directly points to the age-old trouble of technology utilized for bringing about societal harm. Pre ultrasound era, although there was infanticide, the access to ultrasound brought easy detection of sex female foeticide essay the fourth month female foeticide essay pregnancy.

In female fetuses, the detection is almost per cent accurate in most cases. This gave rise to widespread female foeticide essay of the ultrasound technology coupled with other artificial birth practices like special selection facilities available for children born through IVF or test-tube babies. Gynaecologists and radiologists with the lure of money cooperated with people who desired male babies and took upon the crime of female foeticide. Essay On Science And Technology.

More than other cultural practices, female foeticide essay, female foeticide essay general bias for a male child has been characterized across the globe. In the medieval era, female foeticide essay, Western civilization thought it was a glory to bear a boy while girls only brought troubles with them. In India and the South Asian subcontinent, the desire for a female foeticide essay child was so rampant that it leads to several consecutive childbearing processes female foeticide essay a single woman under the pressure to bear a boy child.

It only points towards the general discourse of allocating useful economic resource to a male child while the women are left only with peripheral low skill and domestic choices. The problem of dowry and a lower degree of education is almost interrelated. Lack of education forces people to marry off their daughters more early as without adequate educationtraining, and confidence of self-respect they are almost sure of finding not so good jobs which make them more prone female foeticide essay finding life through marriage.

Again because of marriage people are forced to pay dowry which often exceeds the limits they can afford. In turn, the marriage of daughters seems the costliest affair without getting back much in return, which female foeticide essay the belief that a daughter is a female foeticide essay for most cases.

Relying on sons for old age has been a traditional custom in several countries like India. This more than anything makes daughter look a far less female foeticide essay medium to rely on as they would get married and go to another family while the son is supposed to stay back with his own family. The most profound effect of female foeticide lies in the fact that sustained female fetus abortion leads to a highly unstable sex ratio, which is the ratio of males to females.

A good sex ratio is one of the crucial prerequisites of evolution as only a healthy male-female equilibrium would ensure world population retaining healthy demography in the future. Already, the skewed sex ratio has resulted in the low availability of females the male population can get married to in pockets of Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan in India.

Worldwide, female foeticide, in the long run, produces consequences like an increase in crime rates of female trafficking, rape female foeticide essay women and other alarming situations, female foeticide essay. The reason behind such a female foeticide essay would be the biological urge for procreation with low availability of women who are natural sustainer for procreation. Even early marriage is a probable consequence for a world with fewer women, due to the fact that early marriage or selling off women early in age would bring about the higher number of children in the biological time of the woman.

The effects of female foeticide are one that is not visible in the short term. It is only in the long run that the acute and scary consequences would start showing themselves.

Although there are laws in place to tackle the heinous crime of female foeticide yet it goes without saying that a problem with such scope, is impossible to be tackled without other substantial changes. The ways in which female foeticide can be dealt with primarily lies in female foeticide essay public advertisement AGAINST the idea of foeticide itself. It must be the task of NGOs and government-sponsored agencies to make aware people about how a skewed sex ratio will bring down chances of their son getting married in the long run.

A phenomenal breakthrough was achieved by the General Electric GE company who have female foeticide essay devised ultrasound machines that can be internally tweaked to suppress any information relating to the gender of the unborn fetus.

With the use female foeticide essay the device, female foeticide essay, all other medical information pertaining to the ultrasound would remain the same just that no gender identity would be revealed.

However, it remains a question of how to dismantle the thousands of existing ultrasound machines with these as it would involve cost, female foeticide essay, infrastructural logistic problems as well. Meri Beti Mera Abhiman: Ek Nayi Shuruwaat Campaign. The culture of female empowerment and disbursing more female contraceptive methods is another major way in which the issue of female foeticide can be tackled.

In the absence of adequate contraceptive measures, female foeticide essay, the women are mostly forced to choose the path of abortion in case they conceive another female child, female foeticide essay. Female foeticide is no doubt a cruel practice, female foeticide essay, is perhaps most widely practised as a crime in India. It is estimated that over one million female fetuses have been selectively killed in India, making it a country with one of the worst skewed sex ratio.

The sex ratio in India has seen a steady fall from females per males in to females per males in India has always been one of the hubs of female foeticide across the globe making it rather ill famous on international platforms dealing with gender equality.

The most disturbing aspect of such advertisement rests in the fact that the advertisements were going on in public, without legal actions against it and that there were female foeticide essay many female foeticide essay of the practice that such advocacy could flourish. One should take note of the fact that rural India has a marginally higher sex ratio of while urban India has lower sex ratio standing at a mere One can study the following facts for a better understanding of the trend invested in female foeticide across the country:.

The answer to this question lies in the fact that an unsatisfactory sex ratio is mostly linked to selective abortion of fetuses biased against female foeticide essay females. Given the fact that the technology of ultrasound arrived in India in around s and gained popularity through s, one can find the direct correlation of ultrasound prevalence with a falling sex ratio in the census. This also partially explains the reason behind a lower sex ratio in urban areas compared to rural areas as in the former, there is a greater occurrence of such illegal ultrasound centres.

The initial reason behind the crime of female foeticide was the system of dowry that was legalized under the British Raj. Given the exploitative economic measures and primary role of Indians attributed to low skill low pay jobs, most could not afford the dowry for marrying off their daughter.

Thus the system of female foeticide started with much zeal and reached to an extent where there was just one girl for boys in a region.

The female infanticide act under the British helped to curb such tendencies to some extent. Nevertheless, due to the presence of the family customs and tradition of suppressing rationality, female foeticide continued in most parts.

When the law against female foeticide was finally passed in and amended further inmuch damage had already been done with respect to the female fetus abortion. The reasons ranging from dowry to male child preference to gender discrimination altogether contribute to the barbaric practice of female foeticide in India.

However according to reports and census even then there were several unauthorized clinics that carried on the malpractice of female foeticide. Regular campaigns take place in various places like Gandhinagar in Gujarat on several occasions where government officials participate in public speaking campaigns in order to sensitize people on the issue of female foeticide.

The recent Beti Padhao Beti Female foeticide essay scheme was also launched keeping in mind the need to develop awareness regarding the education of girl child which is the first step towards making people realize that daughters should be as much valued as a son. The problem of female foeticide is not new but has dated back to century-old ill customs. It is high time that the social evil should be completely eradicated and in the quest for the same, each person from the current generation need to veer from this traditional practice and raise their actions for a female foeticide free society, female foeticide essay.

Here we have some useful tips for delivering your speech on female foeticide, female infanticide. I hope you find this article helpful.

If female foeticide essay then please leave a comment down below to help us to reach female foeticide essay people. Thank you. So, here I am, determined to change the world and leave my mark on it, one word at a time. Campus Jugaad. Contents hide. Essay on Female Foeticide, Infanticide in India Causes, Effects, Solutions Female foeticide essay. History of Female Foeticide.

Causes of Female Foeticide, Infanticide The use of technology for the wrong means. Bias For a male child. Dowry and Low Education, female foeticide essay. Less Social Security, female foeticide essay. Effects of Female Foeticide, Infanticide.

Solutions to Female Foeticide. Female Foeticide, Infanticide in India. Why is sex ratio important? Campaigns and Acts to combat Female Foeticide. Tips for Essay on Female Female foeticide essay, Infanticide.

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Essay on Female Foeticide Words - Female Foeticide Essay

female foeticide essay

16/10/ · Essay on Female Foeticide in english. A Curse on Our Society india is a land where people worship a myriad of female deities in quest of wealth, wisdom and power. In this country, it is a Common sight to see thousands of couples making arduous journeys every year to shrines of SAVE GIRL CHILD Goddesses in order to be blessed with a child. But Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins 23/8/ · words Female Foeticide Essay in English Female feticide is the termination of a female fetus in the womb just before it is due to be a girl. According to the data, it is found that the male and female sex ratios are female at male in , female at males in , female at males in and males at males in 19/5/ · Essay on Female Foeticide Words. Female foeticide is a bitter truth that has led to waning sex ratio in different countries. There are various reasons that have resulted in such a heinous crime. The prime cause behind female foeticide is the affection for sons over daughters. Female foeticide is the process of aborting a female fetus in the Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

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