14/11/ · This lesson includes essay topics from Arthur Miller's The Crucible. These prompts are arranged by topic and will help teachers design assignments and The Crucible Essay Questions: Your thesis statement will be based on one of the topics below. Make sure you pick a topic that will enable you to write enough to fulfill the 2 page, double-spaced requirement. You will need to include EVIDENCE from the textmeaning specific 7/11/ · FAQ’s on The Crucible Essay. Question 1. When did the Salem witch trial take place? Answer: The Salem witch trial took place in the years Question 2. What does the word Crucible mean? Answer: It means a series of trials or a metal container in which metals are melted. Question 3. Who was McCarthy? Answer:Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
The Crucible Essays - Free Argumentative, Persuasive Essays, Character and Literary Analysis
The Crucible is famous as a political allegory, but what essay questions for the crucible is Miller trying to say? Who do you think is being most criticized in the contemporary analogy? Miller was particularly offended by essay questions for the crucible who "named names" before HUAC, and he himself refused to do so. While the Crucible indeed villainized the prosecutors and Court — those in the parallel positions of Joe McCarthy and HUAC — the play martyrs Corey and Proctor for refusing to do so.
At the expense of their own lives, Corey and Proctor refused to condemn others, and in Miller's eyes this is the only truly moral decision.
The Crucible features a significant reversal of social roles in the Salem community, essay questions for the crucible. Choose a character whose position of power is upended and analyze the development of their role in the town and in the narrative. Can you make any observations about gender in this process? The witch trials greatly increased the power and agency of otherwise lowly women like Tituba and Abigail, while bringing down more respected community members like Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth.
The position of men remained more stable — they were always in charge, and even if some of them were executed for witchcraft they would always control the positions of highest authority. What is the role of gossip in the trials? How does Miller use gossip to implicate the whole town in the events of the witch trials? Clearly the trials are begun by the wagging of tongues after the girls are found in the woods, but gossip certainly has a more enduring role. Reputations in Salem are made or broken based on slander and rumor, and reputation was a man's only defense against accusation — and even that often failed to correct aspersions.
But gossip also proves to be a destructive force even in the hands of the good and unwitting, essay questions for the crucible, taking on a life of its own — Giles Corey, for instance, condemns his own wife simply by a slip of the tongue. Miller makes some significant changes to the historical events for the play — most noticeably, he raises Abigail's age from 11 to 19, and invents an affair between her and Proctor.
What purpose does this serve? The affair is a dramatic device. It provides motive for Abigail's accusation of Elizabeth, and complicates the relationship between the Proctors.
By raising Abigail's age and giving her essay questions for the crucible of revenge, Miller can complicate the characterization of what would otherwise be a tale-telling little girl, without compromising her villainy. Clearly, Proctor is the protagonist of the play, dominating three of the four acts, essay questions for the crucible. What begins as an ensemble rendering of the town's drama ends in an examination of a essay questions for the crucible by one man, the focus gradually narrowed over the course of the play.
How does Miller make this 17th century farmer into a character capable of holding our interest and sympathies for two hours? Proctor is developed as a "modern" figure in the play. He is resistant to authority, rebelling against both the church and the state. He sees through essay questions for the crucible and shouts it down. Moreover, he has a complicated relationship with his wife, and is flawed but in an understandable way.
He is independent minded, and struggles against the conformity of Salem that is so like s America. In short, he's like every other hero rebel — the same man in so many movies in stories, essay questions for the crucible, just realized this time in 17th century Salem. What started the Salem witch trials? In their contemporary parallel of the red scare, we know that there really were Communists.
But in 17th century Salem, there was no true witchcraft. Essay questions for the crucible how did this thing start, and what does Miller have to say about its origins? A major point of the play is that the witch trials were not truly started by any event or scandal — the discovery of the girls dancing in the woods was merely a tipping point, not the true origin.
Miller is steadfast in his belief that the social structure of Salem is what caused the witch hunt and allowed it to accelerate. If it hadn't been Betty Paris falling sick after dancing in the woods, it would have been something else. Act One is punctuated by prose passages in which Miller details the background of Salem and the characters.
However, this background mixes facts from the historical record with the changes Miller made for dramatic reasons. What do you think of this? Because the prose passages are contained within a fictionalized dramatic work, a reader should be aware that the passages are subject to the limitations of the form. However, Miller speaks with the voice of a historian essay questions for the crucible these passages, not with the voice of a playwright, and gives no indication that what he says is less than historical fact.
Indeed, it is a slightly worrisome idea — a play about a man who died for the truth is so free with its own truths. Reverend Hale is an interesting and well-developed minor character. He serves the dramatic function of an outsider, aiding in exposition in the first act even as his presence catalyzes the witch trials. Essay questions for the crucible in the third act, he begins to question the trials, and by the fourth act has renounced them completely and is actively working against them.
Hale shows that the ministry and the courts need not all be evil, but that it is possible to realize the error of one's own ways and work to fix their effects, essay questions for the crucible.
Mary Warren is a bit of a cipher — we see her only as a pawn of Abigail, essay questions for the crucible, and then of Proctor, and then again of Abigail, essay questions for the crucible.
Do we learn anything about the "real" Mary Warren? Mary Warren is a particularly undeveloped character in the narrative, who functions largely as a plot device.
We know that she is a weak-willed and terrified girl, who is easily manipulated by people stronger than herself. Abigail and Proctor are the ones who manipulate her, both threatening her with violence and vengeance, which draws a lucid connection between those two.
Mary wants to be good, but she lacks the ability to see clearly where this good choice lies. Are the judges evil? Be sure to define what you mean by "evil" in your answer.
This is a deceptively simple question, essay questions for the crucible. Miller believed that the judges in the witch trials were purely evil, and has stated that if he were to rewrite the play, he would make them less human and more obviously and thoroughly evil.
But is evil a function of the will, or a failure of reason? These men did not set out to do evil — they legitimately saw themselves as doing God's work. Is it evil to be wrong? Arguably, the Putnams are the most evil characters in Miller's interpretation of the events, as they both support the trials and clearly are aware of the falsity of the essay questions for the crucible. The Question and Answer section for The Crucible is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
How did the witch trials empower individuals that were powerless before? In other words, to avoid the effects of this curse, you must pass it on name two things that happened in the courtroom that served to attempt the truth from being heard. Abigail Williams pretends to see spirits in the courtroom in order to scare Marry Warren into not testifying.
Governor Danforth refuses to admit the petition of people in town who decry the girls for lying. what two people in act 1 are opposed to seeking witches. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller. The Crucible study guide contains a biography of Arthur Miller, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Crucible essays are academic essays for citation.
These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
Remember me. Forgot your password? Buy Study Guide. Naming Names "By requiring the accused to name others in their confessions, a witch hunt like that in Salem or HUAC can take on essay questions for the crucible form of a pyramid scheme or chain letter.
You might consider people like John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Giles Corey Study Guide for The Crucible The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller. About The Crucible The Crucible Summary Character List Glossary Themes Read the Study Guide for The Crucible…. Essays for The Crucible The Crucible essays are academic essays for citation.
Conformity, Imbalance of Power, and Social Injustice Sins and Ambitions The Stream of Conscience in Arthur Miller's The Crucible The Crucible as an Allegory Contemporary Events Leading to The Crucible View our essays for The Crucible…. Lesson Plan for The Crucible About the Author Study Objectives Common Core Standards Introduction to The Crucible Relationship to Other Books Bringing in Technology Notes to the Teacher Related Links The Crucible Bibliography View the lesson plan for The Crucible….
Wikipedia Entries for The Crucible Introduction Synopsis Characters in order of appearance Originality Casts View Wikipedia Entries for The Crucible….
The Crucible Essay: Common Mistakes and Questions 2018
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1/11/ · Here are some essay questions I’ve developed on Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’. The specific word choices and phrasing is tailored towards GCSE and A-Level students on the following exam boards: AQA, CIE / Cambridge, OCR, WJEC / Eduqas, CCEA, blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 14/11/ · This lesson includes essay topics from Arthur Miller's The Crucible. These prompts are arranged by topic and will help teachers design assignments and In my essay I will be discussing the similarities and differences from the blogger.com Crucible is written by Arthur Miller and takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. It was written in
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