· Teen marriage can be defined as the union between people between the ages of 13 to 19 years. In the past teen marriage was considered a norm in many places. Then the legal age for marriage was when a girl reaches the stage of puberty and considered fertile and ready for procreation Marriage was an economical arrangement, and in most cases, women had fewer rights and were supposed to be submissive to their husbands. Grown-up children were supposed to support their old parents. But nowadays, there is no need of such a social union, as the level of economic development provides an individual person with opportunities to survive without being dependent · Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Gay marriage has been a critical topic in many countries since Around the year , countries such as America and the UK started approving gay marriages, although not everyone agreed with this decision
Argumentative Essay: Marriage
Marriage Is an Age-Old Concept that Should Be Abolished. Even though there is no final definition, in most countries marriage is a social union between people, which establishes and regulates their mutual rights and obligations, as well as responsibilities between parents and children.
Through centuries, marriage has been an important social concept, the basis of family and social regulation of sexual relations, which was determined to give moral value to these relations and to provide the necessary opportunities to raise children and to develop their personalities. The concept of marriage is different in many countries and has changed during history, depending on social, cultural, and religious backgrounds of people.
Currently, though, argumentative essay on marriage is believed by many that marriage is an obsolete tradition, and that it should be abolished. For instance, according to an American survey, 40 percent of over 2, respondents said that marriage is an act of the past and that it is not necessary in argumentative essay on marriage society. On the other hand, thirty years ago the same survey provided that only 11 percent of Americans thought it to be old-fashioned.
The same picture can be observed in other countries. Marriage is in a deep crisis, as it does not play the social role it should. That is why I consider marriage an age-old concept which should be abolished. There are several reasons for this, argumentative essay on marriage. In modern society, there is no economical need for marriage. For centuries, marriage argumentative essay on marriage people to survive. Social roles were strictly divided: men were breadwinners, while women cared for children and did the housework.
Marriage was an economical arrangement, argumentative essay on marriage, and in most cases, women had fewer rights and were supposed to argumentative essay on marriage submissive to their husbands. Grown-up children were supposed to support their old parents. But nowadays, there is no need of such a social union, as the level of economic development provides an individual person with opportunities to survive without being dependent.
In the modern world, individualism and hedonism are considered important values; less and less people want to take responsibility, which inevitably arises in marriage.
Women no longer limit their occupation to housework, and in most countries they tend to build careers before getting married. This is also the reason of an increase in the age people get married.
Traditional values have decayed. After the sexual revolution, intimate relations between people became much freer, and this can explain why more and more people prefer to live together without marriage.
Of course it does not apply to traditional societies governed by strict moral principles and religion. But in most countries, one can observe a profound crisis of religion and traditional values. The majority of young people do not think marriage is a serious institution, as the number of divorces is rapidly increasing. In the USA, around 29 percent of children under 18 live with only one parent or with people who are divorced or have never been married at all.
Another issue which demonstrates the crisis of traditional marriage is the spread of the homosexual movement, which has already earned the right of acknowledgement of same-sex marriage in 11 countries and in several parts of the US, Mexico, and Brazil. Although widely debated, this type of union proves that traditional marriage is old-fashioned and no longer meets social demands.
Marriage is an old-fashioned concept; it does not align with the requirements of modern values and modern standards of living. Marriage should be abolished, or at least should be developed into a broader civil union. Berry, W. Is marriage an outdated concept? Is it old-fashioned to believe in marriage? Shanley, M. Should states abolish marriage?
Latest orders. My account. Marriage Is an Age-Old Concept that Should Be Abolished Even though there is no final definition, argumentative essay on marriage, in most countries marriage is a social union between people, which establishes and regulates their mutual rights and obligations, as well as responsibilities between parents and children, argumentative essay on marriage.
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Frankly speaking, there is no secret. A good marriage requires only one single thing – to fall in love many times with the same person, cherishing all the feelings. In fact, there is no perfect marriage. It is all about finding your person and enjoy all the imperfections and Marriage was an economical arrangement, and in most cases, women had fewer rights and were supposed to be submissive to their husbands. Grown-up children were supposed to support their old parents. But nowadays, there is no need of such a social union, as the level of economic development provides an individual person with opportunities to survive without being dependent Marriage – Argumentative Essay. Marriage is a social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitment, religious ceremony, etc. This is the kind of marriage that we are all used to
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